Category: Blog

Kualanamu Airport Shuttle Service

November 6th, 2018 by

Kualanamu Airport Shuttle Service – Layanan antar-jemput Bandara :

Passenger : 1-5 pax :

  • Kualanamu – Brastagi : Rp700.000
  • Kualanamu – Tarutung : Rp950.000
  • Kualanamu – Porsea : Rp900.000
  • Kualanamu – Parapat : Rp700.000
  • Kualanamu – Kisaran : Rp800.000
  • Kualanamu – T. Balai : Rpp850.000
  • Kualanamu – Ranto Parapat : Rp.1.000.000
  • Kualanamu – B. Aceh : Rp2.300.000
  • Kualanamu – Langsa : Rp850.000
  • Kualanamu – Idi : Rp1.000.000
  • Kualanamu – Loksmawe: Rp1.300.000
  • Kualanamu – Stabat : Rp500.000
  • Kualanamu – P. Susu : Rp650.000
  • Kualanamu – Medan Kota : Rp200.000
  • Kualanamu – binjai : Rp350.000
  • Kualanamu – Belawan Rp350.000


5 Cara Aman Memilih Tempat Rental Mobil Untuk Kebutuhan Wisata

November 30th, 2015 by

Jasa sewa mobil sangatlah dibutuhkan untuk memberikan kemudahan transportasi pada saat melakukan perjalanan wisata.

Berwisata merupakan kebutuhan setiap orang saat ini, dimana berwisata merupakan sarana hiburan yang baik untuk me-refresh pikiran yang sudah jenuh dari pekerjaan. Berwisata biasanya dilakukan beramai-ramai baik itu dengan teman, kerabat atau pun keluarga. Dengan pergi bersama membuat perjalanan wisata pastinya menjadi lebih menyenangkan.

Perjalanan jauh biasanya akan ditempuh untuk mencapai tempat wisata dengan kendaraan pribadi maupun menyewa mobil. Bagi para wisatawan menggunakan kendaraan pribadi pastinya akan jauh lebih menguntungkan karena bisa mengatur sendiri kendaraannya. Tapi bagi para wisatawan yang tidak menggunakan kendaraan pribadi pastinya ada beberapa hal yang tidak bisa bebas dilakukan. Untuk itu perlu rasanya untuk menyewa kendaraan agar perjalanan wisata menjadi lebih mudah.

Tempat sewa mobil atau rental mobil merupakan salah satu solusi mudah bagi para wisatawan untuk bisa melakukan wisata menggunakan kendaraan. Rental mobil saat ini sudah banyak memberikan kemudahan bagi para penyewanya, mulai dari kemudahan di segi syarat dan ketentuan, ketersediaan sopir, pilihan mobil yang baru. Keamanan baik untuk pihak rental maupun penyewa mobil tentu selalu menjadi prioritas yang utama.

Keamanan juga diprioritaskan bagi calon penyewa dalam memilih tempat rental yang tepat. Keamanan yang dimaksud adalah tempat rental yang menyediakan jasa rental mobil haruslah memenuhi kriteria sang penyewanya. Berikut adalah beberapa tips aman dalam memilih tempat rental mobil.

  1. Periksalah mobil mana yang akan anda pilih. Dengan melakukan pemeriksaan diawal sebelum anda memilih mobil yang dipakai akan memberikan informasi mendetail baik itu dari segi fisik maupun surat-surat legal untuk mobil tersebut.
  2.  Anda perlu untuk melakukan survey harga mobil yang akan anda sewa di setiap rental mobil. Pilihlah mobil dengan harga sewa yang sesuai budget dan juga kebutuhan anda agar anda tidak mengeluarkan biaya yang berlebihan untuk menyewa mobil.
  3. Carilah referensi jasa rental mobil terlebih dahulu. Jika anda sudah memiliki referensi untuk tempat sewa mobil akan memudahkan anda memilih tempat sewa mobil yang lebih terpercaya dan direkomendasikan aman bagi anda.
  4. Perhatikanlah kemungkinan terburuk yang akan muncul. Anda bisa menghitung perkiraan pengeluaran yang akan keluar jika terjadi hal yang tidak diinginkan. Kemudian cari tau juga syarat-syarat apa saja yang diberikan rental pada saat menyewa mobil agar anda sama-sama mengetahui hak dan kewajiban pada saat melakukan sewa mobil.
  5. Bijaklah dalam menggunakan jasa rental mobil. Dengan cara ini anda diharap dapat memilih jasa rental mobil yang tepat untuk kebutuhan anda dan memberikan kemudahan dalam perjalanan anda.

Kelebihan mobil AVANZA-XENIA

October 31st, 2015 by
Grand New Avanza 2015-2016

Grand New Avanza 2015-2016

Selain banyaknya faktor seperti budaya, sparepart, dan harga,  ada beberapa kelebihan mobil ini yang jelas tidak dimiliki oleh mobil low MPV lain:

1. Ground Clearance

Ground Clearance Mobil Avanza-Xenia jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan mobil Livina (18,5 cm), Ertiga (18,5 cm) dan yang terbaru: Mobil Honda Mobilio (18,9 cm). Ground Clearance ini sangat penting terutama di jalanan ibukota yang pada awal tahun selalu ditakut-takuti oleh ancaman banjir. Suka atau tidak suka, mobil dengan Ground Clearance lebih tinggi dianggap lebih mampu melahap banjir.
Selain banjir, jalanan yang tidak rata seringkali membahayakan bagian bawah mobil. Membawa mobil dengan ground clearance rendah ke daerah pedesaan dengan jalanan yang tidak rata bukanlah jawaban yang bijak, apalagi jalanan tersebut banyak lubangnya. Tentunya sekali lagi ground clearance yang lebih tinggi menjadi pemenangnya.
2. Penggerak Roda Belakang (Rear Wheel Drive/RWD)
Mobil Avanza-Xenia adalah mobil yang bertipe RWD, berbeda dengan pesaing mereka: Livina, Ertiga, Mobilia dan Mazda yang menggunakan penggerak roda depan (Front Wheel Drive/FWD). Perbedaan mendasar adalah pada power yang didapatkan. Coba saja pada diri kita sendiri: jika kita dihadapkan dengan benda berat yang harus dipindahkan, mana yang lebih kita suka: menarik atau mendorong.  Prinsip kerja mobil seperti itulah yang dipakai pada mobil RWD (mendorong) dan FWD (menarik).
Konsep yang digunakan oleh Mobil Avanza-Xenia adalah mendorong, dengan kata lain membagi kerja ban, ban bagian depan hanya berfungsi sebagai penentu arah mobil sedangkan ban bagian belakang berfungsi sebagai motor penggerak. Pembagian kerja ini akan mengurangi beban kerja ban mobil.  Berbeda dengan mobil low MPV lain yang menggabungkan kerja motor penggerak dan arah pada satu bagian ban bagian depan.
Efeknya adalah: Mobil Avanza-Xenia jauh lebih bertenaga saat melahap tanjakan. Tenaga jauh lebih kuat walau secara langsung berimbas pada konsumsi bensin.  Konsumsi bensin paling minimal 1:14 itupun sudah mentok, dengan rata-rata 1:10-1:11.
Bandingkan dengan Suzuki Ertiga dan Livina yang bisa sampai 1:16.
3. Kaki-kaki bagian belakang lebih kuat
Karena adanya penggerak roda bagian belakang, mau tidak mau kaki-kaki roda bagian belakang mobil Avanza harus dibuat lebih kuat. Hal ini berimbas pada kenyamanan. Jika diisi sedikit orang, maka suspensi bagian belakang Mobil Avanza akan terasa keras dan mantul-mantul. Namun, hal ini membuat kaki-kaki mobil Avanza-Xenia jauh lebih awet dibandingkan kaki-kaki mobil MPV lain yang lebih lembut.

Sibayak volcano – Berastagi

October 27th, 2015 by

With over 120 volcanoes spread out over the whole of Indonesia one of the most popular ones to visit is Mount Sibayak. Located close to the town Berastagi on Sumatra this 2094 meter tall volcano is quite easily accessible. Mount Sibayak has been attracting adventure travellers ever since the Dutch first settled the area in the early 1900s. Although Gunung Sibayak has been quiet for the last century, new steam vents and seismic activity indicate that the volcano is merely taking a break between eruptions.

Climbing Sibayak Vulcano

Climbing Sibayak Vulcano

Hot springs
All this seismic activity has a nice side effect all around the mountain you can find hot water springs (Air Terjun). Some of the locals have turned these into baths where you can enjoy the hot water while at the same time enjoying the beautiful scenery.

How to get up the volcano
To get up the volcano there are two routes to take. The easiest and most popular trail for trekking up Gunung Sibayak starts about 10 minutes northwest of Berastagi just past the Sibayak hotel; anyone in the vicinity can give directions. Past the hotel you can actually find a lot of guide that can take you up the volcano. They can even provide a car for the first part of the hike which is accessible by road. However climbing Sibayak can be done independently. Just keep in mind that you should always team up and never go up alone. Unexpected wheather changes can cause serious problems and has even caused some fatalities in the past. The only other worry is finding the right path. Just before the road ends on the left will find a rather low stretch of bear rock where can see a trail going up. Use this and then just keep following up the trail all the way to the top. This hike should take around 3 hours.

Second option going up
Another option to go up (or down having done the ‘easier’ trail up) is to take transport to the hot springs at Semangat Gunung. Walk in the direction of a big geothermal plant and the trail will start directly on the right side of the plant passing the grave of the local celebrity. Although going up on this side means only a two-hour walk, the trail is extremely steep and has its share of stairs. Many people choose to make a circuit of the trip, beginning in Berastagi and finishing with a dip in the hot springs before catching a ride back to town. Although recommended as a nice trip it is quite difficult to find the trail going down to Semangat Gunung on the top of the volcano. This is because instead of following the obvious road you have to down a steep side with a lot of loose rocks. If the weather is bad or if it is only raining this trail is not recommended.

When to Go
Gunung Sibayak is best enjoyed during Sumatra’s dry season between June and August. If possible, plan your volcano climb for a weekday; Berastagi becomes particularly busy on weekends during the peak season and then so does the volcano.

(Happy Trails)

Pulau Samosir Tempat Wisata Di Medan  Yang Sangat Indah

October 26th, 2015 by

Samosir Island

Tempat wisata di Medan yang sebetulnya satu wilayah dengan Danau Toba adalah pulau samosir.

Menurut kabar dari penduduk setempat, pulau Samosir inilah yang menjadi ikon menarik dalam dunia pariwisata di Sumatera Utara (tempat wisata di medan dan sekitarnya).

Secara geografis, pulau ini memiliki tinggi seribu meter dpl yang wilayahnya masih murni natural.

Jika kita hendak menetapkan tujuan safari ke pulau Samosir, maka kita akan mendapatkan pengetahuan tambahan tentang riwayat suku Batak.

Konon, di atas pulau ini, kita bisa mempelajari atau melakukan riset dalam budaya maupun tradisi Batak.

Berastagi – Nort Sumatera

October 23rd, 2015 by
Berastagi, Sumatera Utara

Berastagi, Sumatera Utara

Berastagi, a tourist town, is another lovely town located in Karo highlands. The town is known for its plantations and various kinds of flowers, vegetables and fruit, most famous which is Marquisa passion fruit. It’s 66 km southwest of Medan and is 4.594 feet above sea level. There is a pleasant colonial-style hotel with a golf course. Other new hotels can also be found. From Gundaling Hill a clear view of Mt. Sibayak and Mt. Sinabung volcanoes can be seen.

From this city, the visitors will enjoy charming scenery to the active mountainside, which are Sibayak Mountain and Sinabung Mountain. To climb Sibayak Mountain require at least 3 hours trip and we could enjoy pretty scenery in these mountains or 3 to 4 hours trip in the forest to see the nature wealth inside, for both the flora and the fauna around this forest.

The atmosphere of green nature from the reflection of the trees from the slope of Rangkap Sibayak Mountain (well known as Sibayak mountain) made the Berastagi city had flooded by tourists. The hill line along with the agricultural field, are always ready to refresh its visitor’s eyes. Berastagi which rich with agro-industries became the appropriate choice for recreation spot other than Toba Lake and Samosir Island, which has become a trademark of North Sumatra.

Berastagi has the strategic location to become the stopping place, not just because several tourist attractions are easy to be accessed from here, but also the hotels are well provided. Hotels can be easily found with varying price, by offering the design typical to the locals. However the visitor still have the choice to choose the hotels and villas that historically were the legacy of colonial period.


Lake Toba Tourism

October 23rd, 2015 by

lake toba

World famous is the crater Toba Lake in the Batak highlands; approximately five hours drive from Medan. Toba Lake is the largest lake in South East Asia and also one of the most spectacular, surrounded by tall mountains and with the large island of Samosir in the middle. If we descend from the mountain we see the lake glittering in all its beauty. The Dutch writer Rudy Kousbroek even called Toba Lake, ‘the most beautiful place on earth’. Most visitors stay on the peninsula of Tuk Tuk on Samosir, named after the linguist Herman Neubronner van der Tuuk. In general people stay several days on Samosir to discover the island, to visit traditional Batak villages, to swim in the lake and go to the hot springs in Pangururan.

The centerpiece of North Sumatra, Lake Toba’s bracing climate and magnificent panoramas clear the mind and soothe the soul. For decades a magnet from regional and foreign visitors alike, Toba has developed into a full-featured highland resort while retaining the rustic charm and relaxed ambiance that define Toba’s attraction. Formed by a stupendous prehistoric volcanic explosion, the 100 km long lake is the largest in Southeast Asia and one of the deepest and the highest in the world. The drama of that cataclysmic birth persist in 500 meter cliffs dropping into the blue-green waters, surrounded by steep, pine covered sloped, the climate is fresh and pleasant, with just enough rain to support the lush vegetation.

Toba Lake is a 100kms x 30kms volcanic lake in North Sumatra, Indonesia. Toba Lake has become one of the main tourist attractions for a long time in North Sumatra apart from Bukit Lawang and Nias, visited by both domestic and foreign tourist.

The Origin of Toba Lake

It is estimated that Toba Lake was formed during a volcanic eruption about 73.000-75.000 years ago and which was the most recent super volcano eruption. Bill Rose and Craig Chesner from Michigan Technological University estimated that volcanic materials that were spewed out the mountain totaling 2800km3, with 800km3 ignimbrites rock and 2000km3 volcanic ash that is estimated was blown (wind) to the west for 2 weeks. This incident caused mass death (destruction) and to several species also causes extinction. According to some DNA proof, this eruption also shrinks the humankind population to around thousands back then.

After this eruption, a caldera was formed that was filled by water afterwards and now known as Toba Lake. The pressure from the dormant magma, which has not yet erupted, caused Samosir Island to emerge. The region that now known as Samosir Island originally was a peninsula that attached to the Sumatran mainland. In this peninsula the Netherlands built the water canal 10 m width.

For the first time visitors, going through Medan-Parapat route seeing a lake as big as that made Samosir appear like an amazing grand island. However, the island perspective will certainly faded with the increase in Toba plateau visitor, Nias and the other places in the south, through Medan-Berastagi route. Samosir occupied a central geographical position in the Toba plateau region. With the declaration of the Toba Samosir Regency (the inhabitants 302.000 lives, the area with wide of 3.440 km including the lake) it finally ascend from only a shadow into a Regency. Moreover, the width of Samosir Island exceed Singapore (647 km), in fact Toba Lake almost twice bigger than Singapore. The Samosir image in tourism books as the backpackers location must be changed because this historic place must restore the greatness of its past.